Thursday, May 3, 2012

Project....finally complete

I have to admit, I am addicted to decorating blogs.  I have seen many pieces of furniture transformed into beautiful creations!!!  I decided since I couldn't sell this piece of furniture on Craig's list, that I would try and paint it.  This is what it looked like before:

First I had to decide if I wanted to keep the hutch part of this piece.  It was very easy to remove, so I had Tony help me take it off. I really liked it and it made the room look so much bigger.

  I decided that I wanted to paint it black so that it would match with our blue accent wall.  Gina and I put on our paint clothes and got to work.  After several coats and several days for it to dry, this is what we ended up with.

I've always wanted the pull tab type knobs and now I have them.  I am so happy with the results and can't wait for the next project.  It was a lot of fun and wasn't too overwhelming.  The part that took the longest was picking out the knobs.  I can never make a decision!

Until next time........

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I LOVE IT!!! The knobs are perfect. You have an amazing vision!!!!! It looked great before, but now it's stunning!!! Can't wait to see it "live".
