Friday, June 13, 2014

This and that

We finally got our new window put in.  Gina accidentally pitch a Volleyball through it! She actually did us a favor because our window was really old!!!!

My handy man at work!  I am so lucky that he can do things like this!

The same weekend was Gina's 8th grade dance.  Off she went with her friends!

Sporting their cute shoes!

Lots of graduating to be done!  Gina graduated from Underground (youth group).  She now has the option of attending Power House, which is for high schoolers! OMG, she's in High school!!!

Just a caption of Gina and her friend Sophia.  They are going to be on the Washington High School Gymnastics team! 

To think that this was just 2 1/2 years ago.  Where has the time gone.  We now have a Senior in College and a Freshman in high school. 

Girls weekend + Dad 05/02/2014

Every year we take a trip, a girls trip, to celebrate our birthdays.  This year it was the girls plus dad!  We had so much fun!!!!!
First stop Solvang for some shopping and yummy pancakes!  Well, some of us got pancakes and some wanted lunch with a beer!!!!

Before Dinner at Dorn's!

Getting on the bus headed to the Castle!!!!  We took a day tour and a night tour, both were awesome!

The famous outside pool where Lady Gaga did her video.  It was empty because of the drought.

The view from up top!

The Ceilings were amazing!!!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!  This is where the animals were kept! 

Selfie of the family!

Shopping at a really cute garden place.  It was right near our hotel!  Dad was a trooper and shopped with us!
What a wonderful trip we had!  Looking forward to next year.  Who knows where we will end up!