Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our Crazy Life.....this week

Gina just completed her play with the Glenmoor Musical Theater.  This was her last year since she will be moving on to 7th grad in the fall and will be going to a different school.  The play was magical and I got to hear Gina sing!  Turns out she has a beautiful voice.  It was a lot of fun to see everyone perform and especially touching becasue it was the 6th graders last performance.  They took their final bow.  Even though we enjoy having Gina in the play, it's a lot of work!  We have had a few weeks of peace, but now onto swimming.

This week starts swimming for Gina.  She is so excited.  This is her second year on the Stingrays swim team and this year she has to swim two lengths of the pool instead of one.  She seems pretty confident so that is good.  On Monday, She came home from her first practice a little anxious knowing that she had a ton of homework to complete but at least there was not time for TV and at 9:00 she went right to sleep. 

Tony has been busy getting an estimator to come out to look at our floor.  Yes, during the big storm we endured a leak in our roof and our floor is now damaged.  But luckily our insurance will cover it and we now get a new floor.  I am very excited about this!!!!

Alicia is plugging away at school with finals!  She has almost completed her first year of college.  We are so excited and proud of her.  We can't wait for her to come home for the Summer.  She will be busy with work and summer school.

That's all for now.....Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. Gina's play was indeed magical!!! And she does have an amazing voice, good for her for singing solo, that's pretty brave! Can't wait for Alicia to get home :). And absolutely YAYYYY for new flooring. Could we have a leak too, please???!!!
